Sunday April 6 CARS & COFFEE and SHOWROOM EXTRA OPEN from 10:00 to 14:00

Bart Wozniak

My name is Bart Wozniak, all-round mechanic at ERclassics. I followed an IT training after which I worked as a service specialist for Samsung and a company that specialized in installing and maintaining servers. When I moved from Poland to the Netherlands, I started working at a car upholsterer with my father. Here I have worked on both classic cars and youngtimers.

After working in car upholstery for a number of years, I started working at E&R Classics as an all-round mechanic.

My very first car was a Mercedes-Benz 190 E
My very first car was a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190 E. I used this car every day to go to school and visit my girlfriend. After half a year I and my father replaced the 1.8 liter engine with a faster 2.3 liter. The Mercedes-Benz drove wonderfully and certainly with the 2.3 liter engine it was nice and smooth.

My dream car is a Mercedes-Benz W124 E-Class Coupe
If I had to pick a dream car it would be a Mercedes-Benz W124 E Class Coupe. In my opinion, there are few classics that can match the reliability and comfort of this Mercedes-Benz. I also think he looks great!

What is your best car related memory?
The most beautiful car-related memories are those with my girlfriend on vacation. Enjoying a nice tour with music in the background and enjoying the sun with the windows open. What else do you want?

What makes a working day at E&R Classics so much fun for you?
I especially like the diversity during my working day. I am someone who likes to have a lot of variety and I have more than enough of that within ERclassics. Furthermore, the colleagues are very pleasant and the atmosphere within the company is great. Everyone gets along well and is willing to help each other.

Working on and driving the beautiful classics is also a dream come true. You are continuously surrounded by the most beautiful classics. From a classic Porsche to an MGB, everything is covered.

Oh yes, and the coffee in the cafeteria is very tasty!